My Professional Projects

Join me on a journey through my projects from 2020 to 2024. Discover a variety of work, including projects for clients, personal explorations, and contributions to open-source projects. This is more than just a collection of code. It shows my passion for creating innovative and useful apps.

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Paninti App

Paninti is an online shopping platform offering a variety of products for mothers, children, and lifestyle needs. As my third major project at Paninti, I joined the team to refactor and develop new features for this long-running app, which had been managed by multiple developers since 2020.

Key Contributions:

  • Implemented redesign and extensive refactoring
  • Developed new features: presale, affiliates, and fulfillment
  • Upgraded to modern tech stack
  • Utilized Airbnb/Epoxy library for efficient UI rendering
  • Implemented Kotlin Coroutines for improved asynchronous programming

This project provided valuable experience in addressing real-life development challenges and modernizing a complex, established application.

  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
  • MVVM
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps
  • Material Design 2

Parenting Hub

Parenting Hub is a social media and community platform for parents to share articles and experiences about parenting. This was my first project upon joining Paninti. I inherited an existing, unreleased app plagued with bugs and frequent force closes. After careful consideration, our team decided to completely rewrite the Android application.

Key Contributions:

  • Participated in the complete rewrite of the Android application
  • Reimplemented all features from scratch
  • Focused on stability and performance optimization
  • Achieved zero force closes, significantly improving user experience
  • Prepared the app for successful release on the Play Store

This project showcased my ability to tackle complex, existing codebases, make critical decisions for project improvement, and deliver a stable, user-friendly application from a problematic starting point.

  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
  • MVVM
  • Firebase
  • Material Design 2

Paninti Super App

Fusion Paninti and Parenting Hub

  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
  • MVVM
  • Modularization
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps
  • Material Design 3



  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
  • MVP
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps
  • Biometrics
  • Material Design 2


Recipe App

  • Kotlin
  • Android Jetpack
  • MVVM
  • Material Design 2